Growth Cycle - One Day Exhibition
Growth Cycle
Please join us on Saturday, April 17, from 12-5 pm for Growth Cycle, a one day installation of artworks, in Palumbo Park, adjacent to Fleisher Art Memorial at 719 Catharine Street, in Philadelphia.
In response to a year of virtual substitutes, Lauren Whearty has organized this opportunity for artists to exhibit work that they’ve made throughout the pandemic, and to consider their work within the context of the park’s garden, and its surrounding architecture.
Growth Cycle represents both our experience of the past year, and the inevitable growth and change that exists within individual and bodies of work. Themes within this group vary from research and observation of our natural environment, to concepts addressing individual experiences of time and place, and explorations of material processes. Palumbo Park is the perfect place to spark new connections between the artists’ works and the environment, as well as a place to create connections between the works themselves.
The exhibiting artists include: Natessa Amin, Morgan Hobbs, Alexis Granwell, Kathleen Eastwood, Adam Lovitz, Kaitlin Pomerantz, Rebecca Saylor Sack, Colleen McCubbin Stepanic, David Walsh, & Lauren Whearty.
Thank you to Friends of Palumbo Park, Bella Vista Neighbors Association, and Da Vinci Art Alliance for allowing us to use the space for this exhibition.
Exhibition Photos by Colleen McCubbin Stepanic.
Artist Websites and Instagram Links:
Natessa Amin: @n_8_s
Morgan Hobbs: @morganraquelhobbs
Alexis Granwell: @alexisgranwell
Kathleen Eastwood: @kathleeneastwood
Adam Lovitz: @adamlovitz
Kaitlin Pomerantz: @_kkp_
Rebecca Saylor Sack: @rebeccasaylorsackstudio
Colleen McCubbin Stepanic: @colleenmccubbinstepanic
Dave Walsh: @davefwalsh
Lauren Whearty: @lwhearty